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Tips for weight loss

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For a healthy body, it is very important to have ideal body weight. Try to reduce your weight gradually. If you lose weight quickly, you will gain it back fast and sometimes even more! Quick weight loss is not the answer to obesity.

Given below are some tips for weightwatchers. You will lose weight gradually and become fit over a period of time.

Tips for Weight Loss Reduce fat: Fats have more than twice the calories than protein or carbohydrate! Our body converts excess dietary fat to body fat. Limit sugar & alcohol: Foods with a lot of added sugar and alcoholic drinks are just empty calories. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, & whole grains. Eat slowly: You eat more if you eat fast, as it takes about 15 minutes for our brain to get the message from our stomach that we have eaten enough. Include a low fat protein-rich food like tofu, beans, eggs, and low fat milk, yogurt or cottage cheese with every meal. No prepackaged foods, powders, or bars will make you slim.

Copyright www.FatFreeKitchen.com

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This article has been written by http://www.fatfreekitchen.com. Visit the web site Weight Loss for more weight loss ideas.


Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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