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Direct sales reps can write articles - heres how!

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We all know that article writing is a great way to promote our businesses AND helps establish us as an expert in our fields. But, just because we know how important it is to our business doesn't necessarily make us able to do it. It's often said, "I'm not a writer, I can't write articles." Or "I can't write an article about my own products without it sounding like an ad." Do either of these sound familiar?

Here's a twist on article writing that can both help and provide a little extra fun. Find another consultant from another non-competing direct sales company. Exchange products with each other and both of you try them each out. Once you have tried the product yourself, write an article about it. In return the other consultant does the same thing. It's much more natural for us to be able to write about and recommend someone else's products. It's a win-win situation!

The following is perfect example of an article that was written about a gift from another direct sales company rep: http://www.mommyshelperonline.com/rainy-day-cakes.html

Don't forget to add your resource box to the end of your article, and remind them to do the same. So really you are getting twice the advertising as you would just writing your own article! Not to mention you have a "testimony" that's not an ad and being used as content on other sites.

Pull up your address book and start figuring who you can exchange products with. Try to find others that have similar but not competitive products. Such as if you sell home decor with no candles, find someone that has candles.

About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. Learn how you can be successful in your company by visiting: http://www.DirectSalesHelpers.com

Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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