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My teeth are now zoom! whitened

Beauty RSS Feed

Let me tell you about my Zoom Whitening experience. For those of you who are unaware about teeth whitening products, the Zoom product is professional use only. Works rather quickly as opposed to the every night crest whitestrips. But it does cost more.

I went to the dentist's office and was setup with the dental assistant. She went over my teeth to remove and plaque or residue to have a clean tooth surface to apply the zoom gel. They put something on my gums to protect them from the gel. It felt like rubber, but it was a gel that was in a tube. They had an appliance to hold my mouth open so I didn't have to hold a terror scream position the entire time I was there.

Cotton ball rolls were used to hold my lips off my teeth. They basically want your teeth exposed, only your teeth, and to just let them hang there in the air while they apply the gel. She painted on the gel, which is a hydrogen peroxide gel. Then they used a Zoom light to enhance the whitening. It looked like a black light. She told me that it made the peroxide act quicker and faster, and after researching, I found that using the light helps by over 33%.

They did my six front teeth, top and bottom, 12 total. First, they applied the gel, did the zoom lamp, and then they wiped off the gel, and applied more gel. They did this 3 times to the same set of teeth. So, overall, it took about an hour and a half before I was ready to go. I got to catnap in between whitening.

What happened after I left?

The zoom whitening continued to whiten my teeth for 12-18 hours after the procedure. So, I couldn't drink any heavy staining drinks like coffee, cokes, or tea. But wait, I'll miss my caffeine rush. You might need a caffeine pill or take an Excedrin migraine pill. I think they have caffeine.

It was uncomfortable to have my mouth propped open for so long, and the chemical gets into the enamel, dentin or pores of the teeth so they were sensitive to everything. But, about 20 hours later, I was good as new. The whitening had taken effect and my teeth were no longer sensitive. I heard some people it takes up to 3 days to get back to normal, but I was fine.

I wanted to share my experience with you if you were thinking about the zoom whitening in office treatment. They also had a home treatment you could use, but I wanted to take advantage of the 33% more whitening with that zoom lamp they used. I can tell they are whiter. Suppose to get up to 8 shades whiter. I don't know how much I got, but it does look better.

Cost? Mine was about $250 total. I'm sure it varies depending on where you go.

Stuart Simpson

Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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